The Spirit of GR Cheer


Ava Decker

The pom-poms, bows, and never-ending spirit of GRHS winter cheer is here! GRHS winter cheer is an integral part of the girls’ and boys’ varsity basketball experience, helping to create a fun game-day atmosphere. From the beginning of the games, where the cheerleaders join the players at the end of their lines as they are introduced, to the end as they congratulate them — the morale of the cheerleaders is part of what makes the winter basketball experience so special.

At each home game, the cheerleaders perform several sitting cheers encouraging the team on both offense and defense. They also have integrated cheers that can be performed between quarters. There is a special routine at halftime, which includes intricate stunting and is never short of impressive. Each year, the team works hard to perform, incorporating unique cheers to encourage the team and promote school spirit. 

When a member of GR Basketball scores a basket, one cheerleader stands up to do a jump or tumbling move of their choice to congratulate the player! Freshman Ragan Kilkelly says, “When the game is over, they do their favorite cheer, called “beat”, if they win!” Kilkelly mentions that she “really loves being part of the team,” going on to say that “while the team is small at the moment, everyone is welcoming and it feels like a family.” Her favorite part of the experience is that “It’s super fun to not only watch the players but cheer for them too, especially when they score!”

No matter what the game’s score is, GR cheer brings spirit and positivity to the winter basketball experience! With the crowds often limited during the pandemic, the cheer team has been front and center cheering the football and basketball teams on and working hard to keep the energy and enthusiasm of high school sports alive!