Speaking from the perspective of a Junior in high school, there are numerous ideas and places to go during the break. As it says in its name, a break is very necessary when it comes to the school workload, work, and sports. These activities and studies can commonly be found as very stressful and tiring for many students in high school, especially Juniors and Seniors who are dealing with the college process. The workload may become very stressful and difficult to manage. This can start to take a toll on students’ mental health, which can lead them down a detrimental path. Hence, why it is important to stress the significance of a break!
Spring break is a great opportunity to go and explore new places on vacation. Some popular places are warm states such as Florida or California. Also, there are many beautiful and scenic places out of the country to visit. Many people often travel to islands or other countries such as Asia and Europe to seek a peaceful vacation. Being on vacation can bring a fresh mindset and allow people to take necessary breaks when needed. Without breaks, people can become more stressed and unmotivated.
Also, for students in high school, spring break is a great time to start visiting colleges and exploring interests. As a Junior, college applications are starting to come up and many people are looking at colleges that interest them or finding places to become interested in. In doing so, it makes the application process more exciting. It also allows students to understand what their future may look like and what they want to look for in college. All colleges are very different and have different qualities that people look for. This varies for each person which is why it is significant to visit places whenever there is available time, like spring break.
High school can be filled with a bunch of work and drama that tends to occupy people’s time. Spring break allows students to take a break from this. It can also be the time to look towards your family and spend some quality time with them. As students and people get older, there’s limited time in people’s schedules and family should be prioritized, especially during spring break. An example of creating more memories with your family is going out for dinner, going on a vacation, or simply staying at home and playing a board game while engaging in a conversation.
Spring break is absolutely necessary for many people and should be taken advantage of. It shouldn’t be filled with more work and stress, instead, people should take their time and relax. It is important to find time to take a break, whether that means going out or just staying home and being comfortable.